Monday, February 10, 2014

RED elephant shirt

Think Pink- challenge at Project Sewn!
I love how it is motivating me on my goal this year to: LEARN HOW TO SEW.

I need your suggestions!
I got this great blouse from Deseret Industries.
(A bit big) After thinking about PINK for a week, I thought I could use a cute RED blouse in my life.

(Shown here with my cute skirt from last weeks Project Sewn challenge.)
This is where I need your help!

 I thought it would be an easy project:
Take off the sleeves.
Re size the sides.
Reset the sleeves.
As you can tell- Not a great success story- .... yet!
I don't want to give up on this project, because the color is great!
Once "fixed" it will be an amazing addition to my "work wardrobe".
So I need some advice.
Hind-sight being 20/20- I maybe should NOT have taken the sleeves off.
I should have re-sized it like my coral sweater... just one seam, up both sides, including the sleeves in the seam. BUT I can't change that now.
Any suggestions?


  1. Have you a pattern that you like the sleeves on? Could you open up the fabric and cut out a smaller sleeve? Would that work?

  2. Louise- thanks for the idea. I do have a pattern- the problem is the arm hole is so big! But that is a good idea-- to cut the blouse from a pattern... that might work!

  3. How about this? Leave the sleeves where they are. You are right about the armhole -- and there's no good way to make it smaller. But take a tuck, or several tucks, at the bottom of the sleeves to make them narrower so it becomes a little bit like a puffed sleeve. Then I would add a cute button where the tucks are. Or maybe several buttons in a row!
